NCRTC invites tender for real estate studies and conceptual master planning for transit oriented development at Duhai RRTS Depot

National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited (NCRTC) has invited limited e-bids for Real estate studies and conceptual master planning for transit oriented development at Duhai RRTS Depot, Ghaziabad for Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.

  • Tender Reference Number: DM/GC/COR-OF/231
  • Name of Work: Real estate studies and conceptual master planning for transit oriented development at Duhai RRTS Depot, Ghaziabad for Delhi – Ghaziabad – Meerut RRTS Corridor.
  • EMD: INR 4,60,000/-
  • Completion Period: 26 Weeks
  • Document Download / Sale Start Date: 01st Nov, 2023
  • Document Download / Sale End Date: 30th Nov, 2023
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 16th Nov, 2023
  • Bid Submission Start Date: 23rd Nov, 2023
  • Bid Submission End Date: 30th Nov, 2023
  • Bid Opening Date: 01st Dec, 2023

Scope of Work:

The Delhi-Meerut corridor originates from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi and terminates at Modipuram in Meerut. The project covers NCT-Delhi, Ghaziabad and Meerut.

The total length of the corridor is 82.15 km with a total of 25 stations (including Sarai Kale Khan), out of which NCT Delhi will have 4 stations, and Uttar Pradesh will have 21 stations. Besides the stabling yard at Jangpura, there will be two depots i.e., Duhai and Modipuram.

Delhi-Meerut RRTS corridor will cover the distance from Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi to Modipuram in Meerut in about 60 minutes. RRTS infrastructure will also be used to operate local transit services (Meerut Metro services) to meet the local mobility needs besides providing high-speed regional mobility for towns like Ghaziabad, Muradnagar, Modinagar, Duhai, etc.

Non-Operational Areas at Duhai RRTS Depot, Ghaziabad:

  • Of the 25 Stations planned along the alignment, the Duhai Depot Station is planned to service the Duhai Depot, which is located in the periphery of Ghaziabad city, abutting the eastern peripheral expressway (EPE), and prominent residential locales including Raj Nagar Extension and Madhuban Bapudham.
  • Spread over an area of approximately 56 hectares, the Duhai Depot is planned to be developed based on the principles of Transit Oriented Development, providing city services such as commercial, recreation, residential and other uses integrated seamlessly with the transit network.
  • Of the 56 hectares available at the Depot, 25 hectares shall be utilised for operational purposes including Depot, Stabling Yards, Operations and Maintenance facilities, etc. TOD based development is proposed to be undertaken in the remaining 31 hectares of land.
  • Presently, the site is serviced through the Delhi – Meerut Highway (NH 58). The site is also accessible through the Eastern Peripheral Expressway (EPE) through the interchange at Duhai (refer Annexure I for further details of the Duhai Depot Site).
  • In addition to this, the site is serviced by a dedicated RRTS Station (Duhai Depot), which shall cater to the requirements of not only the site, but also settlements in the vicinity.

Uttar Pradesh Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Policy provisions:

  • The Government of Uttar Pradesh has notified the UP-TOD Policy, 2022. The policy provides for mixed-use development with additional purchasable FAR, integrated with the transit networks such as the RRTS.
  • The draft Master Plan (2031) prepared by the Ghaziabad Development Authority (GDA) has identified areas including and around the subject sites as TOD Zones, where TOD Policy shall be applicable.
  • Once notified, it is expected that the areas around the site shall be planned and developed for TOD based development, with a mix of activities including residential, commercial, entertainment, sports, etc. – further enhancing the resident and visitor population within the catchment of the subject sites.
  • Feeder services, first and last-mile connectivity proposals, infrastructure augmentation strategies, etc. for the larger TOD Zones shall be detailed in the Zonal Development Plans to be prepared for these Zones. NCRTC is assisting the Government of Uttar Pradesh and GDA in the delineation of the TOD Zones as well as the preparation of the Zonal Development Plans.
  • The land use of the land at Duhai Depot is proposed to be converted to ‘Transportation’ in the draft Ghaziabad Master Plan (2031) which is under finalisation. The UP TOD Policy provides flexibility to accommodate a range of uses within the Site after meeting the requisite FAR for operational requirements, up to an FAR of 5, subject to road width and development scenario.

The range of uses as permissible under the UP TOD Policy is as provided below:

UseTOD UseResidential FARCommecial FARIndustrial FAROffice FARPSP / Institutional FAR or AmenitiesOther Uses
Transpor tationTranspor Tation Mixed Use0 – 30 %0 – 10%0 – 10%0 – 10%0 – 5%Balance FARafter utilization for operationalrequirement

As evident from the table above, wide flexibility is provided to developer entities to undertake compact, vertical mixed-use development accommodating the range of facilities and amenities within the site. The provisions of this policy are to be utilised in order to create iconic TOD developments that would ensure the objectives as stated below.


NCRTC intends to undertake Transit Oriented Development featuring mixed-use development, entertainment, and recreational facilities followed by a hospital ecosystem and a residential complex integrated with the RRTS stations at the site in Duhai Depot.

The developments are envisioned to serve as a major demand driver for ridership on the RRTS network, as well as enhance non-fare box revenues for NCRTC through Land Value Capture.

The consultant shall be required to undertake real estate feasibility studies, demand assessment, market outreach and stakeholder workshops, which shall feed into the determination of the appropriate product mix and the conceptual Master Plans for the subject sites.

The consultant shall prepare a high-level conceptual interface between the RRTS Influence Zone and the site. NCRTC is presently onboarding consultant for the preparation of Zonal Development Plans for the Influence Zones.

Accordingly, the proposed Master Plan is targeted to maximise the potential for TOD-based development in the site, with an appropriately built-up environment that encourages the principles of TOD while working in sync with larger city-level plans and proposals.

The development potential of the site resulting from the studies shall be accommodated into a well-designed conceptual Master Plan to assess development potential, estimate incremental ridership generated for RRTS and formulate urban design guidance for future development.

The consultant shall also prepare an implementation roadmap and a phasing strategy for taking up specific parts of the development in a phased manner and advise regarding horizons for the various phases based on absorption and revenue maximisation in coordination with the implementation of the RRTS and station developments.

Key Tasks:

Initial context study and site analysis developed to understand the opportunities and constraints for design development, key activities include:

  • Study information related to land use, zoning maps, existing surveys, studies, previous proposals if any, etc. The Consultant shall review the Ghaziabad and Modi Nagar (Draft) Master Plans 2031 for key provisions pertaining to the RRTS alignment such as the RRTS influence zone and the UP TOD Policy.
  • The Consultant shall highlight areas of assistance and coordination with GDA including coordination for integration of conceptual Master Plan with the Zonal Development Plans being prepared for the TOD Zone(s).
  • The Consultant shall review the existing provision of infrastructure in the area with specific emphasis on municipal provisions closer to the site. The objective of the review will be to solve the infrastructure provision for the site.
  • While emphasis will be on sustainability through solar power generation and water harvesting/ recycling of water, the development should have a secure means of water and power supply. Similar to the supply network, the Consultant shall also review the disposal networks such as drainage, sewage, solid waste, etc available in the vicinity of the planning area.
  • Carry out reconnaissance surveys of the site area to get a sense of existing terrain and the extent of the areas encompassed within permanent / temporary operational requirements, tracks, buildings, utilities, etc.
  • Develop summary documentation of existing conditions that are essential to the subject of Master Planning and urban design strategies for the site and shall include representative morphological drawings of the site, key facilities in the vicinity, existing and proposed transportation infrastructure (including RRTS network), and such other related data.
  • Make a note of the key environmental features and constraints and through studies related to soil testing, topography, drainage, etc. and other information. The List of Surveys available is attached as Annexure 1.
  • Prepare a short summary document as an ‘Existing Conditions Report’ to highlight key observations along with SWOC analysis that will likely have a bearing of the Master Planning for the Site.

Real Estate Demand Assessment – Undertake catchment analysis, real estate market survey/potential and demand assessment for the site Key activities will be to:

  • Study the overall real estate trends in Delhi NCR, Ghaziabad Macro Markets. Micromarket overview- an integrated catchment area of the transit project will be taken as a micro market. Consultant shall carry out assessment of the condition of development, economic drivers, residents and visitor profile, socio-economic conditions, key natural and man-made features, infrastructure and amenities, points of interest, etc for the micro market.
  • Analysis of the following trends for different real estate assets like commercial, residential, retail, hospitality, entertainment and recreation, etc. for pricing, supply, absorption, average unit area. Inventory for the last five years for the micro market.
  • Analysis of pricing, supply and absorption of commercial, residential, retail, hospitality, etc. Average unit area trend, inventory and price trend over the last 5-6 years. Analyse the relationship between the site, the micro market and the macro market, with focus on the RRTS system – to derive regional generators of demand and estimate absorption capacity of the subject site.
  • Conduct Market research based on primary market research techniques i.e. Focus Group Discussions (FGD), surveys and questionnaires, observations, interviews, market outreach, stakeholder consultations, etc.
  • Plan and organise 3 workshops with potential investors, markets players, developers (commercial, residential, retail, etc.), entertainment and recreational operators, architects, urban designers, infrastructure specialists, etc. to deliberate on opportunities and issues with the sites – with an intent to arrive at optimal product mix and design guidelines incorporating the elements of TOD within the Master Plan.
  • Carry out a perception study to identify expected projects, feedback on demand potential, developers’ perception of proposed site, potential for alternate developments and key concerns etc.
  • Assess growth drivers and constraints that are likely to impact demand and supply. Based on the micro market analysis and market survey determine the competitive position / potential of the site to develop into a dense mixed land use development enabling Transit Oriented Development.
  • Identify a suitable product mix that should be targeted for the site in each phase of its development. Analyse market conditions for the product mix, absorption rate, occupancy levels, market trends, current and future market conditions, competition from other such projects/ locations.
  • Formulate programmatic design brief that will include a breakdown of the proposed development potential by land and building uses, identification of public facilities, commercial and recreational establishments, retail or such other uses, parking and paratransit needs and high-level requirements for land/building related to utilities and infrastructure. Propose Phasing for the development with timelines, including short term uses, if possible.


Minimum Average Annual Turnover from Consultancy Services of INR 4.6 Cr. calculated as total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed, within the last 05 (Five) financial years or from the date of incorporation from the last date of Bid submission deadline.

Work Experience:

  • The bidder must have completed/substantially completed at least 02 (Two) Contracts in Similar Work i.e., Consulting Services of Master Planning involving real estate feasibility studies for Transit Oriented Development Project, or
  • Station Development / Redevelopment Project, or
  • Integrated Townships (Residential and Commercial) Project with minimum project area of 50 acres during last 10 (Ten) years ending the last day of the month before the month of bid submission deadline.

Tender documents can only be obtained online on the website

Source: NCRTC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): NCRTC

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