Shri P. Uday Kumar Reddy, General Manager, Metro Railway inspected Howrah Maidan to Esplanade stretch of East-West Metro (Green Line). Shri Reddy started the inspection from Esplanade Metro station of Green Line.
More Details:
- He inspected the passenger inter-changing points of Blue Line (Kavi Subhash to Dakshineswar) and Green Line (Howrah Maidan to Salt Lake Sector V), entry/exit points, platforms, Concourse Level, Platform Screen Doors etc at this station.
- He travelled from Esplanade station to Howrah Maidan station in Motorman’s cab in a Metro and also returned to Esplanade station in that Metro.
- During this journey, he inspected the tracks, track-bed, cross-over, tunnel lighting system, under the river tunnel portion, braking system and passenger announcement system of the rake etc. En-route he inspected Howrah and Howrah Maidan stations and passenger amenities that are going to be offered there also.
- Shri Reddy expressed his satisfaction seeing the overall progress of work of this stretch and instructed concerned officials to strictly adhere to the deadline so that this stretch can be opened to the public by this year-end.
- Shri V.K.Srivastava, Principal Chief Engineer, Metro Railway and Managing Director of Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation Limited (KMRCL), Shri Saumitra Biswas, Principal Chief Operations Manager, Shri Satish Kumar, Principal Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer and other senior officers of Metro Railway and KMRCL were present during this inspection.
Source: Kolkata Metro- Press Release | Images Credit: Kolkata Metro