K-RIDE awards tender to M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd. for the construction of elevated viaduct between Heelalige and Rajanukunte

Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Limited (K-RIDE) has recently issued a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) to M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd. for design and construction of elevated viaduct including associated works between Heelalige and Rajanukunte of Corridor-4 of Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project (BSRP).

  • Tender Reference Number: KRIDE/2023-24/BG/WORK_ INDENT1
  • Name of Work: Design and construction of elevated viaduct of length 8.960 km and at-grade formation of length 37.920 km (excluding station buildings) including associated works between Heelalige and Rajanukunte of Corridor-4 of Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project (BSRP).
  • Awarded Value: INR 1040,51,42,000/-
  • Contract Period: 30 Months

Earlier the works of Corridor 2 between Chillabanawara to Baiyappanahalli for 25.2 km was also awarded to L&T for the construction activities. Corridor 2 and 4 were the priority corridors in Phase 1.

Scope of Works:

  • The proposed work is between Heelalige and Rajanukunte from km. (-) 0.635 to 46.985 approx. (including sidings) excluding 740 m long alignment near Benniganahalli station from km. 21.925 to km. 22.665.
  • The work mainly consists of construction of alignment of (i) Elevated Viaduct of length 8.960 km and (ii) At-Grade Formation of length 37.920 km. The scope also includes road widening, side drains & other allied works, and construction of service roads etc. at all required locations.
  • The scope also includes interfacing and coordination with other contractors at the intersection points and with other agencies, wherever required, for design and construction.

Elevated Viaduct:

Design and Construction of Elevated Viaduct of length 8.96 km (km. 14.625 to km. 17.950, km. 22.665 to km. 23.750, km: 34.450 to km. 36.025 & km. 36.275 to km. 39.250) and 2.11 km of common corridor for C1 & C4 at Yelahanka (km. 36.401 to km. 38.511) including ramps and other related Infrastructural works (excluding Station Buildings) from Heelalige to Rajanukunte, excluding 740 m long alignment near Benniganahalli station from km. 21.925 to km. 22.665 Construction of elevated (viaduct) structures consisting of Pile foundation / Open foundation, Piers, Pier caps, Portal beams & Girders forms the scope of this work. The work includes construction of Pre-cast PSC I – Girders / PSC T– Girders / Pre-cast Box segments / Pre-cast full span U-Girders / Steel Girders including casting / fabrication, transporting, launching and erection in position.

At Grade Formation:

Design and Construction of At Grade section of length 37.92 km (km. (-) 0.635 to km. 14.625, km. 17.950 to km. 21.925, km. 23.750 to km. 34.450, km. 36.025 to km. 36.275 & km. 39.250 to km. 46.985) formation in Embankments / Cuttings including Blanketing, Major Bridges, extension of existing Minor Bridges/RUBs/ROBs, Retaining Walls, Drains, Civil Engg. related and other hitherto uncharted Utility Diversions and other related Infrastructural Works (excluding Station Buildings) from Heelalige to Rajanukunte.

Construction of At-Grade section comprising of earthwork in embankment / cutting, Major Bridges, extension of existing Minor Bridges/RUBs/ROBs, pile foundation / open foundation, side drains, approach road works & allied works viz., Retaining walls, Sacrificial retaining walls, RE Walls etc. at required locations forms the scope of this work.

Broad Scope Of The Work:

The broad scope of work includes the Design, Proof Checking of the Designs by a separate approved agency of repute and Construction/provision of the following:

Elevated Viaduct:

  • Elevated Viaduct of length 8.96 km is required to be constructed at the locations mentioned above.
  • Portals (and not piers) are required to be constructed at the following locations:
    • From km. 17.340 to km. 17.526
    • From km. 22.909 to km. 23.279
    • From km. 35.481 to km. 35.605
    • From km. 38.666 to km. 38.697
  • Portals (and not piers) for double decker (for Corridor-4 at Level-1 and Corridor-1 at Level-2) are required to be constructed from km. 36.975 to km. 37.471 between Jakkur & Muddenahalli. The above portals will continue in Yelahanka station from km. 37.130 to km. 37.347.
  • Piers for double decker (for Corridor-4 at Level-1 and Corridor-1 at Level-2) are required to be constructed from km. 36.429 to km. 36.966 between Jakkur & Yelahanka and from km. 37.347 to km. 37.471 between Yelahanka & Muddenahalli.
  • From km. 37.471 to km. 38.029 between Yelahanka and Muddenahalli, Corridor-1 will be on piers of variable height and will ramp down from Level 2 to Level 1 to match with the Level of Corridor-4 at km. 38.029.
  • From km. 37.471 to km. 38.029 between Yelahanka and Muddenahalli, Corridor-4 will be at Level 1 on piers of equal height.
  • Portals (and not piers) to accommodate 4 tracks (2 tracks of Corridor-4 & 2 tracks of Corridor-1) are required to be constructed from km. 38.029 to km. 38.525 between Yelahanka and Muddenahalli.
  • The ROW of BMRCL is shared by BSRP from km. 22.831 to km. 23.484 between Benniganahalli and Channasandra. The alignment of BSRP is at Level 1 and the alignment of BMRCL is at Level.
  • At these locations, the contractor is required to liaison between both the authorities viz., K-RIDE & BMRCL and coordinate with the concerned authorities of BMRCL and other agencies during design and construction of the works.
  • In order to prevent induction of high voltage current between BMRCL system and BSRP system, a metal sheath shall be provided between the OHE line of BSRP and the bottom of the girder carrying BMRCL system as per the approved drawing in the above location being shared by BMRCL & BSRP.
  • Open web girder of 61m span at Benniganahalli to cross the existing Railway track / road forms a part of the scope of this work. The span may vary during detailed designing. The bridge is on a 6 degree curve (Approx.). The bridge shall be designed by the contractor for the above curvature. The drawings given in the Bid document are tentative.
  • The alignment from km. 21.925 to km. 22.665 (on both sides of Benniganahalli station) does not form part of the scope of this work.
  • Construction of stations does not form part of the scope of this work. However, the following information is provided:
  • Marathahalli and Yelahanka stations are Elevated and remaining stations are At Grade.
  • Marathahalli station is at Level-2.
  • Yelahanka station is at Two Levels. The station of Corridor-4 is at Level 1 and the station of Corridor-1 is at level 2.
  • Maintenance of the completed works during the contract period as specified and during the defect liability period forms a part of the scope of work.

At Grade:

  • Earth work in Cutting, Filling & Blanketing as per the levels shown in the Bid document.
  • Extension of existing Minor bridges: The details are in part – 2 of Employer’s requirement.
  • Construction of foundation works for Minor bridges structure including open foundations / rafts for RCC box up to the minimum foundation depths. Track supporting structure above the RCC Box viz., earthwork and blanketing.
  • Preparation and submission of detailed GAD, design and drawing for minor bridges for 25T Axle loading
  • Waterproofing for RCC Boxes of Minor Bridges & RUBs is in the scope.
  • Major bridges: The details are in part – 2 of the Employer’s requirement.
  • Construction of foundation works for different structures i.e., track structure, Major bridges etc. including piles and pile caps / open foundations / rafts for columns / piers (wherever required) up to the minimum foundation depths in accordance with the actual soil parameters as obtained from detailed sub-surface exploration as specified or directed.
  • Pile caps / Open Foundations resting at any depth depending upon the site condition shall include excavation, leveling course, PCC, dewatering, sheet piling / soldier pilling & wooden lagging, if required, Backfilling complete in all respects
  • Driving ‘Z’ section MS sheet piles by using 8mm to 10mm thickness, side by side in all kinds of soil mechanically using vibro hammer / suitable means / manually as per the directions of Engineer-in-charge for earthwork excavation in foundations for all depths and removing the sheet piles after the work.
  • Construction of Abutments / piers, Pier caps / Bed blocks, bearings, as specified or as directed. The fabrication of the girder and testing shall be done by RDSO approved agency / workshop/ NABL Accredited labs.
  • Waterway calculations for all bridges (Major & Minor) crossing water bodies shall be done by the contractor and submitted for the approval of the Employer through the Engineer.
  • In case, the proposed waterway of any bridge is insufficient, the span/ height/ both span & height shall be increased as per the requirement and as per the site conditions. All the spans & heights of all the bridges given in the Bid document are tentative and subject to the above requirement.
  • RCC drains of 50.025 km (approx.) are required to be constructed. The tentative cross section drawings are attached.
  • Retaining walls of 21.625 km (approx.) are required to be constructed at certain locations of insufficient land width for supporting the embankment / cutting.
  • Retaining walls / RE Walls at Ramp locations are required to be constructed wherever needed.
  • Formation for Stabling lines at the following locations forms a part of the scope of this work:
    • km. (-) 0.635 to km. (-) 0.481 → 2 nos.
    • km. 0.158 to km. 0.587 → 4 nos.
    • km. 2.367 to km. 2.624 → 1 No.
    • km. 19.037 to km.19.775 → 2 nos.
  • Road work: The road work is required for diversion of traffic during construction at earthwork/retaining wall locations, major and minor bridge locations, RUB locations and ROB locations.
  • After completion of ROB and RUB structures, the permanent roads are required to be constructed on ramps and approaches of ROB / RUB and also on ROB / RUB structures.
  • Maintenance of the completed works during the contract period as specified and during the defect liability period.

Source: K-RIDE- Tender Update | Image Credit (representational): K-RIDE

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