Delhi Metro invites tender for Property Development at Various Metro Stations of Line-2, 6 and 7 Corridor

In a recent stride, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC) has invited tender for Property Development at Various Metro Stations of Line-2, 6 and 7 Corridor of Delhi Metro Network.

Brief about Tender Submission:

Name of Work: Property Development at Various Metro Stations of Line-2, 6 and 7 Corridor of Delhi Metro Network.

Tender Reference Number CPD-124
Document Download/Sale Start Date 29th Dec, 2023
Bid Submission Start Date 23rd Jan, 2024
Bid Submission End Date 30th Jan, 2024
Pre Bid Meeting Date 10th Jan, 2024
Bid Opening Date 31st Jan, 2024

Scope of Works:

Through this RFP Document, DMRC intends to select a “lessee” to take up on ‘Lease basis’, the spaces available for Property Development at Two Metro Stations of Line-6 & 7 Corridor of Delhi Metro Network of Delhi Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) (hereinafter referred to as “Project Site”). This Leasing has been envisaged to generate up-front and recurring revenues to DMRC to supplement its non-fare-box collections in the operation phase.

These Property Development sites have an excellent opportunity to become an important commercial hub within this locality. With separate access being available for the commercial area , prominent and spacious frontage, and a captive commuter base, this area will present unique opportunities for retailers. These spaces are ideally suitable for commercial shops and food & beverage outlets.

A proposed built up area for Property Development is planned at the footprint of the station building. Hence building plans approvals from local bodies are not required. One can participate for one or more packages or all the packages offered as per their eligibility.

The details of the tendered area for leasing are as under:

Sr. No. Station (Line) Package/ Location ID Total Area (Sqm) Floor Floor wise area
1 Azadpur (Line-2) Package-A (Azadpur) 3970.00 Ground Floor 3970
2 Sarai (Line-6) Package-B (Sarai-III)-Left wing 3rd, 4th and 5th Floor 4080.30 Above Platform 3rd Floor (PD-I) 1705.10
4th Floor (PD-II Level) 1187.60
5th Floor (PD-III Level) 1187.60
3 Sarai (Line-6) Package-C 4071.6 Above Platform 3rd Floor (PD-I) 1702.20
4th Floor (PD-II Level) 1184.70
5th Floor (PD-III Level) 1184.70
4 Azadpur (Line-2) Package -D (Azadpur) 3251.00 First Floor 3251
5 Trilokpuri Sanjay Lake (Line-7) Package-E (Trilokpuri Sanjay Lake) 2526.00 Lower Concourse Level 2526.00
6 Gokulpuri (Line-7) Package- F (Gokulpuri) 3406.00 Lower Concourse Level 3406.00
7 Azadpur (Line-2) Package- G (Azadpur) 1522.00 Concourse Floor 1522
8 Sarai (Line-6) Package- H (Sarai-II)-Right wing Ground Floor + Concourse 1880.51 Ground Level 1091.21
Concourse Level 789.3
9 Raja Nahar Singh (Line-6)-I Package-I (Raja Nahar Singh) 5647.65 Ground Level 40.47
Concourse Level 764.74
Area at PD-I Level (Above Platform ) 1879.64
Area at PD-II Floor Level 1481.40
Area at PD-III Floor Level 1481.40
10 Raja Nahar Singh (Line-6)-II Package-J (Raja Nahar Singh) 5254.91 Ground Level 40.47
Concourse Level 393.70
Area at PD-I Level (Above Platform ) 1483.68
Area at PD-II Floor Level 1483.68
Area at PD-III Floor Level 1483.68
11 Sarai (Line-6) Package-K (Sarai-I)- Left wing Ground Floor+Concourse 1147.75 Ground Level 1086.75
Concourse Level 61.00

Tender Security Amount / Earnest Money Deposit: If a bidder wants to participate in more than one Package/Location IDs. Separate tender security is required to be submitted for each Package/Location for which bid is submitted.

Package/Location ID EMD Amount (Rs. In Lacs)
Package-A (Azadpur) Ground Level 20.00
Package-B (Sarai-III)-Left wing 3rd, 4th and 5th Floor 10.40
Package-C (Sarai-IV) Right wing 4th, 5th and 6th Floor) 10.37
Package-D (Azadpur) First Floor 7.00
Package-E (Trilokpuri Lake) 4.78
Package-F (Gokulpuri) 4.15
Package-G (Azadpur) Concourse Level 4.00
Package-H (Sarai-II Right wing Ground Floor + Concourse) 3.94
Package-I Raja Nahar Singh-I 3.13
Package-J Raja Nahar Singh-II 2.92
Package-K (Sarai-I-Left wing Ground Floor+Concourse) 2.40


A Bidder must be a sole proprietorship firm or a partnership firm duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, or a Limited Liability Partnership duly registered under Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 or a body corporate incorporated and registered in India under the Companies Act, 1956 /2013, duly registered under the law applicable to such company, either individually or in Joint Venture or a Consortium under an existing agreement and further subject to compliance with applicable laws, policies and guidelines of the Government of India.

  • In case the Selected Bidder is a Consortium/ JV, such Consortium/ JV shall be required to newly incorporate a special purpose Vehicle (“SPV”) (Company/LLP) within 30 days of issuance of the LOA and the SPV shall enter into Lease Agreement with DMRC for implementation of the Project.
  • The members of Consortium/ JV shall be required to maintain 100% of the equity of the SPC throughout the subsistence of the Lease Agreement. In case company is not incorporated within 30 days of issuance of LOA, then the LOA will stand cancelled and the amount deposited by the selected bidders (i.e. Tender Security, Security Deposit, Upfront amount etc.) shall be forfeited.
  • As and when the SPV is created and entrusted with the task of implementing the Project, the constitutional documents of the SPV and the Board Resolutions authorising the execution, the delivery and the performance of such tasks will have to be submitted to DMRC.

In case selected bidder is other than a consortium/ JV, a new special purpose vehicle (Company/LLP), may be formed after issuance of the LOA under intimation to DMRC, and the selected bidder or SPV shall enter into the lease agreement with DMRC for implementation of the project. The incorporation of a new SPV at the option of the lessee in this regard shall be subjected to approval of DMRC and in line with prescribed limits as per clause 4.11.2. of the RFP document.

Tender document can only be obtained after registration of tenderer on the website

Source: DMRC- Tender | Image Credit (representational): DMRC

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